Breakups can be challenging, leaving us questioning whether our exes have genuinely moved on or are just pretending to “play it cool.” If you’re curious about whether your ex has genuinely moved on or if they’re putting on a front, you’re not alone. Many of us feel confused after a breakup, wondering where we stand with our former partners. In this article, we’ll explore signs your ex is pretending to be over you. So, let’s dive in and uncover the truth behind their actions.
12 signs your ex is pretending to be over you
Breakups can leave us confused and unsure of where we stand with our exes. It’s not uncommon for someone to put up a front and act like they’ve moved on when he may still have feelings for their former partner. If you’re wondering whether your ex is truly over you or if they’re pretending, here are some signs to look out for:
1. He reaches out to you sporadically
One of the signs that your ex may be pretending to be over you is if he reaches out to you sporadically. This could be through a text message, a phone call, or even a social media DM. He may seem casual or friendly, but their inconsistent communication could indicate they’re not over you as he claims to be. If they’re still reaching out to you without an apparent reason or agenda, they may be trying to keep you in their life somehow.
2. He still keeps tabs on your life

Whether through social media stalking or asking mutual friends about you, if your ex still keeps tabs on your life, it’s a sign that they’re not entirely over you. He may like or comment on your posts, ask about your whereabouts, or show interest in your life updates. This behavior suggests that they’re still invested in your life and what’s going on with you, which could indicate that they’re not as over you as he wants you to think.
3. He tries to make you jealous
Another sign that your ex may be pretending to be over you is if he tries to make you jealous. He may post pictures or stories on social media with new romantic interests or try to flaunt their social life in front of you. This behavior could be a way for them to mask their true feelings and make you think they’ve moved on. However, if their attempts to make you jealous feel forced or excessive, they may be trying to elicit a reaction from you because he still cares.
4. He avoids talking about the past
If your ex is reluctant to talk about the past or avoids discussing the details of your relationship, it could be a sign that they’re pretending to be over you. He may change the subject when you bring up memories or brush off any mention of your past together. This could indicate that he’s trying to bury his emotions and put on a facade of indifference, but he may still be processing their feelings for you.
5. He gets defensive when you move on
If your ex gets defensive or upset when he finds out you’re moving on, it could be a sign that they’re not as over you as he claims to be. He reacts negatively to the idea of you dating someone else or moving forward in your life, which could suggest that he still has feelings for you. Their emotional reaction may be a way for them to cope with the realization that you’re moving on without them.

6. He shows up in places he knows you’ll be
He might be trying to create opportunities to run into or engage with you, which indicates that they’re not over you. He may suddenly start frequenting the same spots you hang out or show up at events or gatherings where he knows you’ll be present. This could be a subconscious attempt to be around you and stay connected.
7. He downplays the breakup
If your ex downplays the significance of the breakup or acts like it didn’t affect them, it could be a sign that they’re pretending to be over you. He may brush off the breakup as if it was no big deal or minimize their emotions.
8. He acts overly indifferent
If your ex acts overly indifferent towards you or your relationship, it could be a sign that they’re pretending to be over you. They may seem unaffected by the breakup and show little to no emotion when interacting with you. However, this could be a defense mechanism to mask their true strong feelings. If their indifference feels forced or inconsistent with their past behavior, they may be trying to hide their unresolved emotions.
9. He constantly brings up old memories
On the other hand, if your ex constantly brings up old memories or reminisces about your past together, it could be a sign that they’re not truly over you. He might talk about shared experiences, inside jokes, or special moments you had as a couple. This could indicate they’re still emotionally attached to the past and may struggle to move on.
10. He keeps personal belongings as reminders
Another sign that your ex may be pretending to be over you is if he keeps personal belongings that remind them of you. This could be anything from gifts you gave them to photos of you together. Keeping these items could be a way for them to hold on to the memories of your relationship and maintain a connection with you, even if he assures you he has moved on. Some exes also leave their stuff behind and expect you to keep them so they can return anytime for them and see you.
11. He shows signs of emotional instability
If your ex displays signs of emotional instability, such as mood swings, sudden outbursts, or unexplained changes in behavior, it could be a sign that they’re not as over you as he says he is. Emotionally charged reactions or erratic behavior could indicate that he is struggling to process their feelings towards you and maybe pretending to be over you to cope with their emotional turmoil.

12. He makes negative or passive-aggressive comments
If your ex makes negative or passive-aggressive comments towards you or about your relationship, it could be a sign that they’re not as over you as he wants you to think. These comments may come across as hurtful or resentful and may indicate that they’re trying to mask their genuine emotions by being hostile or dismissive towards you.
Signs your ex is pretending to be over you—the bottom line.
Remember, it’s essential to consider the overall pattern of behavior and not just one isolated sign. People cope with breakups differently; someone can exhibit some behaviors without pretending to be over their ex.
It’s always best to communicate openly and honestly with your ex and candidly about where both of you stand to gain clarity and closure. Do you think most guys pretend to be over their ex-girlfriends? Any theories? Tell us all about it in the comments.