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How to make a girl chase you by ignoring her?

Do you like a girl and don’t know how to get her attention? Moreover, you want her to like you and make her appreciate you. You have devised the millenary tactic of pretending that you don’t care so much, getting her attention, and taking care of your pride. Well, if you want to play cool, do it right. Learn how to make a girl chase you by ignoring her.

It’s not about ghosting her like in the movies. This practice will only make you look emotionally immature. So, pay attention.

How to make a girl chase you – 7 tips

This article explains how to become a particular person for the girl you like without suffering or losing pride.

1. Build a special friendship

Most importantly, the basis of any healthy relationship that works is friendship. If you are looking for a one-night stand, you are not interested in this. But if that girl is unique and has something that makes you want her to be with you, follow these steps.

The most important thing is that she trusts you. Please get to know her patiently, open up to her, take care of her and let her take care of you. Find out how compatible you are.

2. Become a constant presence in her life

Become an essential piece in the puzzle of her life. Be present in her life. Create a series of small routines so that it is not too obvious, just enough for her to notice your absence if you are not there.

Send encouraging messages, and don’t forget “good morning” or “good evening.” See each other often and make plans together.

3. Flirt with her

Flirt with her but in a not-too-obvious way. Make her doubt whether this is your personality or whether you are trying to get close to her. Try some of these flirty questions to get started.

4. Make her feel safe with you

Offer her something that no other one does. Become a unique and indispensable person to her without her realizing it. Someone who is not so easy to replace.

how to make a girl chase you by ignoring her - make her feel safe

5. Do not be too cheesy or transparent

Careful, don’t be too obvious. Always expect reciprocity from her, or you risk being heavy-handed, which would wreck the whole plan. Give her plenty of space. Patience is essential.

6. Keep on with your life

Do not spend all of your time with her. Do not accept every opportunity to see her. Show her you are independent and can go anytime if she doesn’t come after you.

Show her that you care but keep your feet on the ground. Value her but do not depend on her.

7. Say no

Once you’ve built that stable relationship, say no to her often. Please don’t play with her too much or change radically. Sweetly tell her that you can’t meet because you have other plans.

Make yourself wanted. Don’t always be available.

How to make a girl chase you by ignoring her and when to stop “ignoring” her

How long do you have to say no?

She makes efforts to see you

She may respond in two ways: by guarding her pride and staying away from you until you look for her or by making more of an effort to see you. If you have done the first steps well, she will eventually seek you out, missing you.

When you recognize that she pays attention to you, please don’t make yourself too much of a wish and dare to tell her how you feel without ignoring her.

She constantly reaches out to you

If you feel she has no problem reaching out to you, you don’t need to ignore her. She is probably into you too.

She shows how much she cares about you

Everyone has their way of showing love. Regardless of everything you have read, it is essential that you recognize whether she is trying to communicate how much she cares about you or misses you.

For some people, love is measured in more significant gestures, while for others, it’s in the little things, especially if they are shy or have had a hard time in love.

And remember, do not

You must be emotionally responsible. So avoid making the following list of things:

Don’t hurt her feelings

If it’s evident that your feelings are mutual and she’s hurting because you’re giving her mixed signals, drop out of the game. It’s time to try scoring.

how to make a girl chase you by ignoring her - don't play with her

Don’t play her if she is being serious

If you get to the point where she’s made it clear that she’s serious about you, you don’t need to try to play any game because you will risk losing her.

Don’t go hot and cold for too long

Don’t be childish. Don’t try to respond well one day and disappear the next because we all get tired of this kind of adolescent behavior. It’s not attractive.

Manipulate her

No gaslighting. Please don’t confuse her or tell her you’re not being weird when you know you’re doing it on purpose. The line between playing flirty and manipulation can be fragile.

How to make a girl chase you by ignoring her – Final words

Remember: This is a strategy to flirt playfully. But this isn’t for everybody. If she has self-esteem problems or if she is insecure about her dating life, you could end up hurting her and regretting your decisions.

The most important thing is that:

  • You do not obsess over her
  • Don’t play with her feelings
  • Don’t play with her too long, and be honest if you like her

You should be able to recognize when enough is enough, when things are getting serious, and you should be honest and tell her how you feel. Have you ever tried this strategy? What was your experience? Let us know in the comments!